What is a Critique?

Sometimes an appraisal can mean the difference between a novel standing tall or falling flat on its face. An external, unbiased reviewer can notice a flaw in your book that you or a friend may have overlooked. I will look over an author’s manuscript and highlight the strong points and weaknesses (if any) in the novel/short story. In every manuscript, there are five aspects that I will focus on:

1. Plot
2. Characters
3. Dialogue
4. Pacing
5. Setting

I will go into detail in each of the aspects listed above and highlight in the manuscript and my report room for improvement in each area.

DISCLAIMER: Please note, however, a critique, while improving your chances of publishing success, cannot guarantee that your novel/short story will be published or win competitions. This decision rests solely with the editor at the publishing house or magazine.

How much does a Critique Cost?

For manuscripts with 70,000+ words = €270

Manuscripts with 100,00+ words = €320

Novellas of up to 40,000 words = €180

Novellas of 40k to 70k words = €210

Short Story Critique = €30

Payments can be made via Paypal or postal orders. Customers outside of Ireland can send money orders if they wish. If you’d like to pay by Postal Order/Money Order, please contact me at: aidanlucidauthor at gmail dot com for payment details. Alternatively, if you’d like to pay by Paypal, please send all payments to the email address already given.

Once payment is received, I’ll endeavour to have your manuscript along with my report returned to you as soon as possible.
Can I Get a Sample Critique?
Sure! Availing of a critique is quite simple. For a free sample appraisal, just send on the first chapter or first 4,000 words of your manuscript or novella. You can do this by filling in the form below and attaching your work in the Browse field. I’ll read over it, going through each of the listed aspects in detail in my analysis/report. If the author is satisfied, then he or she can proceed further.
Your Manuscript's Genre.
Sample Critique
Tell us a bit about your manuscript.
By checking this box you confirm that this manuscript is solely your own work.
Email Address
Please upload your first chapter here.
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Aidan Lucid